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Bee Control
Abolish Pest Control are professionals when it comes to identifying the problem, removing the bees and removing bee hives. Bee Control is what we do. With rising concerns of the Africanized bee (killer bee) more people are now looking to control their bee problems rather than avoid them. Unlike other conventional pest control companies who only kill the bees but don't fully solve the problem, we find the hive, remove the bees, remove the hive and prevent future infestations of the area. That is true bee control! Our Bee Control technicians are fully trained and are professionals when it comes to dealing with bees. Please do not attempt to remove bees or bee hives without the proper equipment and experience. Give us a call. We service Southern California for Bee Control.
There are three major steps to follow in completely removing bees. If a company does not offer one of these three then they are risking damage to your home as well as harm to you. First we locate the bees and eliminate them. Once eliminated we remove the dead bees, honey, and honey comb or hive. Next, cleaning and proofing the area of bees is important to prevent future infestations of either bees or other pests attracted to the honey. Our goal for our bee removal service is to make sure you don't have the same problem again. If you have been calling a company repeatedly for the same problem it is time to call us to get rid your bee problem once and for all.
BEE ALERT-Most bees found in California are earnest, hard working types who much prefer the joys of simple labor to swaggering around like a schoolyard bully looking for people to intimidate. Having their work interrupted or their flight path blocked by a hysterical human flailing away like a windmill is not their idea of a good time, and may frighten or irritate them into stinging whoever is doing the flailing.
Killer Bee
In appearance, killer bees resemble any other honey bee. It's their behavior
that sets them apart. They are now a problem in California. Unlike the European honey bee, the Africanized
bee can be easily aggravated. The killer bee has been on a journey from
South America to North America since 1957. The first reported case in
the USA was in 1990 by 1994 they reached California, and moving at a rate
of 200 miles per year you would think they would have overwhelmed the
continent by now. Their expansion rate has been drastically reduced thanks
to professional bee control companies who have crews specializing in bee
In the past few years, a small number of Africanized "killer bees" have been found in the southern San Joaquin Valley, having migrated from Brazil. Because of cross-breeding in South America, they are now known as Brazilian honey bees. Killer bees are dangerous despite the new name, They will attack anything moving within 100 yards of their nest without provocation, and will chase a running target much farther than less excitable varieties of bees.
Africanized bees are a hybrid bee of the very aggressive african bee in Africa. The African bees, through evolution, have developed an aggressive nature to survive. The benefits of such bees is the hard working attribute and the ability to adapt to more tropical climates. In hopes of combining the hard working African bee and the friendly honey bee, biologist Warwick E. Kerr had interbred honey bees from Europe and southern Africa. Accidential release of the bees meant spread of the hybrid bees from brazil to Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Florida and Southern California.
Honey Bee - Identify your enemy
European bees for the most part are not a threat unless aggravated. Aggravation
will occur if they feel their hive is in danger. Swatting at flying bees
is not recommended since all you will accomplish is to aggravate them.
Unlike the European honey bee, the Africanized bee does not need an excuse
to attack. They protect their hive and queen at a larger radius. Again
unlike the European honey bee, the Africanized bee may pursue intruders
for up to a mile and remain aggravated for up to 24 hours
The most common stinging bee in California is the honey bee, introduced into this country from Europe in the 17th century. Its stinger, which resembles a hypodermic needle with barbs, is used to inject a mixture of alkali venom and acid into the skin. The alkali venom contains several kinds of proteins and enzymes which are believed to cause allergic reactions of varying degrees in humans. Sting reactions, which may increase with succeeding stings, include:
- A choking sensation or difficulty in breathing.
- A skin rash similar to hives (human hives, not bee hives).
- A dry cough, sneezing or asthma.
- Lips turning blue.
- A rapid pulse and a drop in blood pressure.
More severe reactions may include cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, shock or loss of consciousness. Symptoms usually appear within a few minutes after a sting, but could be delayed up to 24 hours. Stings near the eyes, nose and throat are the most dangerous. For severe reactions, medical assistance should be sought immediately.
When stung by a bee, the stinger should be removed as quickly as possible, but removing it improperly will make the sting worse, The proper way is to scrape the stinger out with a clean fingernail or knife. Pulling or squeezing the stinger will only pump more venom into the wound, as the bee parts containing the venom are left attached to the stinger after the bee tears itself free.
The sting area should be cleaned with soap and water, or with an antiseptic. For people known to have severe reactions who are stung on the arms or legs, a tourniquet may be applied between the wound and the heart to prevent the rapid spread of venom. The tourniquet should be released every three to five minutes until medical help is available.
Bees are affected by the type of clothing people wear. for some reason, rough and dark clothing of wool or leather irritates them, which is why professional bee keepers wear light colored, smooth textured clothes when tending their hives. Some perfumes also aggravate bees, which will attack a moving target faster than they will an immobile one. Running or swatting at them only increases the chances of a sting.
So when a bee draws near, try to relax. It will probably lose interest in you once it finds out you are not a gladiola -- or an enemy.
Beehives can be found in almost any crevice large enough to hold a hive. We have found hives in HVAC units, pots, bird houses, walls, chimneys, attics, trash cans, lids, etc- the list goes on. If the beehive does not pose any threat and is far from any human activity then leaving it to its duty is recommended. If the beehive is a hazard and has nested in your structure then immediate removal is recommended. While moving cautiously around beehives will render yourself neutral to a bee, sudden movements will aggravate and provoke bees into defending their hive. On the other hand, Africanized honey bees will attack an intruder within a hundred yard radius. The aggression of these bees is dangerous especially to the elderly, children and those who are less likely to escape an attack. If you see bees flying around your house or know they have nested, then simply ignoring it will cost you more in the long run. Immediate removal is recommended.
Honey Bee Nests in Walls
bees may establish a nest inside the wall of the building
causing a problem, a health hazard and a serious danger to the structure. check out the gallery here.
Honey bee colonies in wall or attic voids are a much more serious problem than yellowjacket wasps. Yellowjacket colonies are annual and the wasps will disappear in the winter with or without treatment. Honey bee nests may last for many years without treatment and will contain honey stored inside the walls. The honey can ruin walls and ceilings if it is not removed.
Salvaging honey bee colonies from wall voids is usually not practical, so extermination is recommended. Wild honey bees are usually of very little or no value to a professional bee keeper as they are often heavily infested with parasites and diseases.
Combs inside buildings should be removed to avoid problems with honey-stained walls and pest problems, such as carpet beetles, and attracting bee swarms in the future. Never use honey or wax from colonies that have been treated with an insecticide. Controlling honey bee nests can be challenging. Call a pest control specialist if you spot bees around or coming out of your home.
We are specialists when it comes to dealing with honey bees, yellowjackets, and their nests. Our Bee Control will leave no trace of bees in the present or future
Bee Gallery
This is a collection of photos of common and uncommon Bee Control jobs.
Click on the subtitle to view the pictures
Bee Hive Removal - Wall

Bees commonly nest inside wall voids and can fill up adjacent wall voids. Complete removal of the bees' and their nest is important in order to avoid costly damage. Simply killing the bees and leaving the combs in the wall voids will lead to melted honey, scavenger bees, and scavenging animals.
Bee Hive Removal - AC Unit

This is a good example of some of the odd places that bees decide to establish their hive.
Bee Hive Removal - Residential

Besides wall voids, these are some pictures of residential jobs we may come across.
Bee Hive Removal - Chimney

Bees find the chimney a comfortable home, especially unused chimneys. We had to fix another pest control companies mistakes to remove this hive once and for all.